
Departments Of Kayachikitsa

Ayurveda is having holistic approach towards life mainly concerned with the treatment of body, mind and soul. Kayachikitsa is the first branch of IIMT Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital that deals with general medicine, where kaya means body and chikitsa means treatment. Kaya also refers to agni on entire ayurvedic therapeutics is based on the concept of Agni. Correction of Agni is the basic line of treatment for most of the diseases. Another unique aspect of kayachikitsa is Rasayana (Rejuvenation) and Vajikaran (Aphrodisiac) Rasayan chikitsa is useful for promotion of health and curing enhances the sexual vigour and useful to procreate an ideal Progeny. The role of mind in the causation and cure of diseases is well recognized in kayachikitsa, hence due importance is given to strict mental discipline and adherence to moral values. For the same postment of manasroga is described in kayachikitsa. Curing the disease can be attained through shaman (pacification) and shodhana (purification/detoxification) chikitsa, shaman chikitsa pacify the morbid doshas, where as shodhan expels the accumulated doshas. Kayachikitsa is the main & important branch of Ayurved. Kayachikitsa emphasize a way of life which protects, optimises Antaragni, balances of doshas, enriches dhatus and ensure appropriate elemination of malas. Such a holistic approach to health demands a careful attention of Ahar (nutrition) Vihar (activity status) & Vichar (healthy thoughts). Kayachikitsa has its emphasis on promoting positive health, preventing the disease, cure of disease and on rejuvenation and reparative medicine. Such an emphasis on healthy life style so early in Ayurved gives a comprehensive approach in management of Diabetes, Cardiovascular problems, Hypertention, Obesity, Rheumatic & osteoarithritis Joint problems, Gastrointestional problems, Neurological disorders, Skin problems, Depression, Sexual problems.