
Department of Dravyaguna Vijnan

The subject Dravyaguna Vigyana deals with medicinal plants of Ayurvedic classics and Nighantus, their identification, properties, action and therapeutic uses in accordance with fundamental principles of Ayurveda. The department is fully equipped with various equipment, instruments, models, charts, dry specimens, wet specimens, potted medicinal plants etc. All essential practical are carried out in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology laboratory. Laboratory is fully reached with collective specimens. The department having its own museum, where students learn about the concept of Dravyaguna and medicinal plants. In Ayurveda more than 600 medicinal plants are included as drugs and they are used either alone or in combination with each other to alleviate the disorders. Ayurveda takes into the account the action of the drug in its entity. It holds that the action of the whole drug is often different from that of any one of its constituents considered separately

The main objectives of this department are to provide a scientific foundation for therapeutics and to increase the resources of the art of healing. The exact way in which a drug changes the diseased condition can often be followed only imperfectly in man and hence recourse has to be made to experiments on healthy or diseased animals to elucidate the principles on which it should be employed. Knowledge of the mode of action of a drug obviously greatly enhances prediction from animal studies of what will happen in man. Department also deals the study of diversity of medicinal flora of Rajasthan and to complete knowledge of medicinal plants regarding their proper identification, cultivation and collection and research. Educational tour/Field tour has conducted by college department every year

  1. Trains undergraduate Ayurveda medical students about Ayurvedic pharmacology and Materia medica
  2. Fully equipped Pharmacognosy and Pharmacology Laboratory
  3. Tutorial Room with full-fledged audio-visual units
  4. Departmental Library
  5. Well-designed Herbarium cum Dravyaguna Museum with specimens, charts, Yantras, instruments etc.
  6. Well developed Herbal garden with more than 200 varieties of species
  7. Demonstration room is available to conduct the classes for morphological studies and to develop demonstration skills to the students


Dravyaguna is an integral part of Ayurveda, which deals comprehensively about rasa, guna, virya, vipaka, prabhava of herbs, knowledge of cultivation, conservation of medicinal plants and information about endangered species, introduction of Nighantu vigyan, introduction, definition and scope of pharmacology and principles of general pharmacology, introduction guna, karma and uses of jantava guna, introductory knowledge of annapana varga, knowledge of dravyas with respect to their sanskrit name, botanical name, family, habit, morphology,parts used and indications and concept of dravya shodhan.

Faculty photo

Dr Rinto
Associate Professor & HOD

Dr Anagah-Dravyagun Vijnan
Assistant Professor

Dravyaguna Vijnan Labs